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Desde mi mirada de arquitecta y artista, las fachadas siempre me generaron una inquietud más allá de la simple observación.

El orden geométrico, la lógica constructiva y la repetición modular plantean un lenguaje que necesito descifrar.

Una fachada es un límite, continuo y permanente, que está a la vista de todos pero que resulta casi imperceptible a la mirada cotidiana. Sin embargo cuando las miro se pone en juego algo íntimo que me lleva a pensarlas de otra manera.

¿Qué más hay? ¿Cómo saber lo que no dejan ver?

Detrás de una fachada hay otra pared. Una piel transparente, concebida desde adentro, con puertas y ventanas propias, que rompe con el equilibrio visible desde afuera. Protege y cuida modos de vida, señas particulares. Guarda deseos.

Ese lugar lejano y a la vez muy personal, es el que quiero contar en mi trabajo.

Atravesar la otra pared y sentir. Rescatar lo que parece tan guardado, sacarlo a la superficie y convertirlo en imagen.


From my perspective as an architect and and artist, façades have always provoked a restlessness in me that spans beyond simple observation.

The geometrical order, the constructive logic or the modular repetition represent a language, similar to text layers, which I need to decipher.

A facade is a continuous and permanent boundary, which can be seen by everybody but is imperceptible to every day looks.

When I look at them, however, something intimate, private, comes into play, and I start thinking about them differently. I find their ability to narrate a time and a space; to generate a sense of belonging; of confirming where I am.

But what else is there? How can I know what they don't show?

Behind a facade is another wall. A transparent skin conceived from the inside with its own doors and windows, which breaks with the equilibrium that is visible from the outside. It protects and guards lifestyles, particular signals. It keeps wishes. 

That place, both distant and mighty personal, is the one I want to show with my work.

Break through the other wall and feel.

Recover what seems so guarded, bring it to the surface and turn it images.

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